iPad & iPhone User - USA (2021-12)

(Maropa) #1

with the games that
inspired it. Taken
on its own terms,
it’s a novel, smart,
take on a classic,
captivating set-up.

  1. Crashlands
    Price: £3.99
    While other RPGs
    can require lots of
    time and skilful thinking, Crashlands is
    designed for the casual player. There’s
    an unlimited inventory, so you can
    scavenge where and when you want
    without worry. And it’s Minecraft-
    esque in ways, offering a build mode
    that lets you fashion a personalised
    base from the ground up with various
    benches for crafting weapons, armour,
    elixirs and more. Because of the
    unlimited inventory, if you want to
    move your base somewhere with
    more resources, you need only pick
    up all the pieces to your base and put
    it in your bag. Simple.
    The tap-to-interact aspect of
    the game takes time to get used to,
    especially when battling the many
    monsters you’ll come across on the
    alien planet, but it’s effective. You
    get a toolbar for quick access to
    equipment like potions or weapons

    • with varying cooldowns for each –
      and a world map, which enables you
      to zip between telepads at no cost.
      This makes exploring the massive
      open world easier, as you can nip back
      to your base to recover/build new
      equipment on the fly without worrying
      about wasting time.
      In all, it’s an accessible take on
      the genre, which should have wide


  1. Backfire
    Price: £2.99
    We don’t want to alarm you, but a
    massive idiot appears to have set
    up your ship in a manner that’s not
    entirely conventional. So rather than
    your gun firing from your craft’s nose,
    it instead does so from the rear. Also,
    again, we don’t want to alarm you, but

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