Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

Aging and the life course is an important
sociological specialty. It provides us with informa-
tion about aging and being ‘‘old,’’ and about the
antecedents and consequences of stability and
change during late life. The increasing life-course
focus of aging research is especially important in
that it concentrates sociologists’ attention on the
dynamics of intraindividual change and on the
intersections of social structure, social change,
and personal biography. At its best, aging and life-
course research effectively link processes and dy-
namics at the macrohistorical and societal levels
with individual attitudes and behaviors. In addi-
tion, the life course in general, and late life in
particular, provide excellent contexts for testing
and, indeed, challenging some commonly held
assumptions and hypotheses about the dynamics
of social influence. In this way, it offers valuable
contributions to the larger sociological enterprise.


Burgess, Ernest W. 1960 ‘‘Aging in Western Culture.’’
In E. W. Burgess, ed., Aging in Western Societies.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Cain, Leonard D., Jr. 1959 ‘‘The Sociology of Aging: A
Trend Report and Bibliography.’’ Current Sociology

Clipp, Elizabeth C., Eliza K. Pavalko, and Glen H. Elder,
Jr. 1992 ‘‘Trajectories of Health: In Concept and
Empirical Pattern.’’ Behavior, Health, and Aging

Crystal, Stephen, and Dennis Shea 1990 ‘‘Cumulative
Advantage, Cumulative Disadvantage, and Inequali-
ty among Elderly People.’’ The Gerontologist 30:437–443.

Day, Christine L. 1990 What Older People Think. Prince-
ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Elder, Glen H., Jr. 1999 Children of the Great Depres-
sion (twenty-fifth anniversary ed.). Boulder, Colo.:
Westview Press.

——— 1995 ‘‘The Life Course Paradigm: Historical,
Comparative, and Developmental Perspectives.’’ In
P. Moen, G. H. Elder, and K. Luscher, eds., Examin-
ing Lives in Context: Perspectives on the Ecology of Hu-
man Development. Washington, D.C.: American Psy-
chological Association Press.

——— 1974 Children of the Great Depression. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.

———, and Eliza K. Pavalko 1993 ‘‘Work Careers in
Men’s Later Years: Transitions, Trajectories, and
Historical Change.’’ Journal of Gerontology: Social Sci-
ences 48:S180–S191.

Elder, Glen H., Jr., Michael J. Shanahan, and Elizabeth
C. Clipp 1997 ‘‘Linking Combat and Physical Health:
The Legacy of World War II in Men’s Lives.’’ Ameri-
can Journal of Psychiatry 154:330–336.
——— 1994 ‘‘When War Comes to Men’s Lives: Life-
Course Patterns in Family, Work, and Health.’’ Psy-
chology and Aging 9:5–16.
George, Linda K. 1993 ‘‘Sociological Perspectives on
Life Transitions.’’ Annual Review of Sociology 19:353–373.
Hardy, Melissa A., and Jill Quadagno 1995 ‘‘Satisfaction
with Early Retirement: Making Choices in the Auto
Industry.’’ Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences
Havighurst, Robert A. 1963 ‘‘Successful Aging.’’ In R.
Williams, C. Tibbets, and W. Donahue, eds., Processes
of Aging. New York: Atherton.
Kessler, Ronald C., and William J. Magee 1994 ‘‘Child-
hood Family Violence and Adult Recurrent Depres-
sion.’’ Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35:13–27.
Krause, Neal 1998 ‘‘Early Parental Loss, Recent Life
Events, and Changes in Health.’’ Journal of Aging and
Health 10:395–421.
Kunkel, Susan R., and Robert A. Applebaum 1992
‘‘Estimating the Prevalence of Long-Term Disability
for an Aging Society.’’ Journal of Gerontology: Social
Sciences 47:S253–S260.
Landerman, Richard, Linda K. George, and Dan G.
Blazer 1991 ‘‘Adult Vulnerability for Psychiatric Dis-
orders: Interactive Effects of Negative Childhood
Experiences and Recent Stress.’’ Journal of Nervous
and Mental Disease 179:656–663.
Maddox, George L., and Daniel O. Clark 1992 ‘‘Trajec-
tories of Functional Impairment in Later Life.’’ Jour-
nal of Health and Social Behavior 33:114–125.
McLeod, Jane D. 1991 ‘‘Childhood Parental Loss and
Adult Depression.’’ Journal of Health and Social Behav-
ior 32:205–220.
Merrill, Deborah M., and Vincent Mor 1993 ‘‘Pathways
to Hospital Death Among the Oldest Old.’’ Journal of
Aging and Health 5:516–535.
O’Rand, Angela M. 1996 ‘‘The Precious and the Preco-
cious: Understanding Cumulative Disadvantage and
Cumulative Advantage Over the Life Course.’’ The
Gerontologist 36:230–238.
——— 1988 ‘‘Convergence, Institutionalization, and
Bifurcation: Gender and the Pension Acquisition
Process.’’ Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics
———, and L. Richard Landerman 1984 ‘‘Women’s
and Men’s Retirement Income: Early Family Role
Effects.’’ Research on Aging 6:25–44.
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