Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

this issue in detail and suggest ways to reduce the
extent to which nonattitudes are given by respondents.

The second issue involves the interpretation
of responses to items. In the example above, the
analyst assumes that white respondents who reply
‘‘Too fast’’ feel threatened by the movement. How-
ever, there is evidence that small changes in the
wording of survey items can produce substantial
changes in aggregate response patterns. This evi-
dence and guidelines for writing survey items are
discussed in Schuman and Presser (1996).

Finally, there is the problem of equivalence in
meaning over time. In order to make meaningful
comparisons across time, the items need to be the
same or equivalent. Yet over time the meaning of
an item may change. Consider the item ‘‘Are you
in favor of desegregation, strict segregation, or some-
thing in between?’’ This question was asked of
national samples in 1964 and every two years from
1968 to 1978. From 1964 to 1970, the percentage
of white, college-educated adults endorsing deseg-
regation increased; from 1970 to 1978, the per-
centage decreased steadily. Until 1970, desegrega-
tion efforts were focused on the South; after 1970,
desegregation efforts focused on school integra-
tion in northern cities. Evidence suggests that
endorsement of desegregation changed because
the meaning of the question for white adults
changed (Schuman, Steeh, and Bobo 1985).


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