Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

values and human rights discourses, and Kevin
Bales’s (1999) study of economic globalization and
the development of modern slavery. These seem
to highlight some important issues to be debated
within sociology (worldwide) in this millennium.

The first century of British sociology saw its
ups and downs. At times it was a popular subject to
study and at other times it faced significant threats
to its existence. Probably there was no threat more
dramatic than the former Prime Minister Marga-
ret Thatcher’s declaration that, ‘‘There is no such
thing as society.’’ However, despite the attacks and
the loss of funding, sociology as a discipline has
managed not only to survive but is poised to lead
policy making in Britain. Currently there are in-
creasing numbers of Members of Parliament and
Lords who have a sociology background and there
are nearly a dozen Vice Chancellors of universities
who are sociologists. ‘‘Indeed, the subject some-
how seems in tune with the times. With a govern-
ment that not only accepts, but explicitly seeks to
understand, and manage society, it is surely no
coincidence that Tony Blair’s favourite academic,
Anthony Giddens... is another sociologist-cum-
VC (or Director as the position is called at the
London School of Economics)’’ (Brown 1999, p.
iii). The reference here is to Giddens’s latest con-
tribution to British sociology, his book entitled
The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy
(1998). In many ways sociology has come full
circle, with LSE academics once again playing an
important role in its resurgence. Despite all at-
tempts to deny its value, sociology in Britain can
once again try to fulfill the claim made a century
ago and an ocean away, that ‘‘Sociology has a
foremost place in the thought of modern men
[and women]’’ (Small 1895, p.1).


Albrow, Martin 1996 The Global Age. Cambridge,
Eng.: Polity.

——— 1989 ‘‘Sociology in the United Kingdom after
the Second World War.’’, In N. Genov, ed., National
Traditions in Sociology. London: Sage.

Bales, Kevin 1999 Disposable People: Modern Slavery in the
Global Economy. Berkeley: University of Califor-
nia Press.

Berger, Peter L., and Thomas Luckmann 1967 The
Social Construction of Reality. London: Allen Lane.

Brown, Matthew 1999 ‘‘Time to Take Us Seriously.’’
Guardian Higher 19 January, ii–iii.
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (eds.) 1983
The Empire Strikes Back. London: Hutchinson.
Dahrendorf, Ralph 1995 A History of the London School of
Economics. Oxford: Pergamon.
——— 1959 Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Garfinkel, Harold 1967 Studies in Ethnomethodology.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Gellner, Ernest 1983 Nations and Nationalism. Oxford:
Basil Blackwell.
Giddens, Anthony 1998 The Third Way: The Renewal of
Social Democracy. Cambridge, Eng.: Polity.
——— 1990 The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge,
Eng.: Polity.
——— 1971 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. Cam-
bridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
Gilroy, Paul 1987 There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack.
London: Hutchinson.
Goldthorpe, John H. 1980 Social Mobility and Class
Structure in Modern Britain. Oxford: Clarendon.
Halsey, Albert H. 1999 ‘‘Edward Albert Shils.’’ Personal
correspondence, 18 June.
——— 1989 ‘‘A Turning of the Tide? The Prospects for
Sociology in Britain.’’ British Journal of Sociology
——— 1985 ‘‘Provincials and Professionals: The British
Post-war Sociologists.’’ In Martin Bulmer, ed., Essays
on the History of British Sociological Research. Cam-
bridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
Heyworth, Lord 1965 Report of the Committee on Social
Studies. London: HMSO, Cmnd 2660.
Higher Education Funding Council for England 1996
Subject Overview Report: Quality Assessment of Sociology
1995–1996. Bristol, Eng.: HEFCE.
Lockwood, David 1956 ‘‘Some Remarks on The Social
System.’’ British Journal of Sociology VII(2):134–145.
Middleton, Chris 1999 Personal correspondence, 9 June.
Research Assessment Exercise 1996 ‘‘Unit of Assess-
ment: 42 Sociology.’’ http://www.niss.ac.uk/educa-
——— 1996 ‘‘The Outcome.’’ http://www.niss.ac.uk/
Rex, John 1961 Key Problems in Sociological Theory. Lon-
don: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Robertson, Roland 1992 Globalization: Social Theory and
Global Culture. London: Sage.
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