Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

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See Protest Movements; Student Movements.


Civil liberties and associated controversies reflect
the basic sociological issue of what may comprise
the requirements of a free yet sustainable society.
Classical interests of social thought directly or
indirectly concern civil liberties because they ad-
dress the degree to which individuals may exercise
autonomy within the bounds of enduring social
relations and community needs. Some of sociolo-
gy’s most venerable research has focused directly
on civil liberties. Stouffer’s Communism, Conformi-
ty, and Civil Liberties (1955) served as an intellectu-
al punctuation mark on the McCarthy era, the
period during which public discord over civil liber-
ties reached its most intense state in the post-
World War II world. Sociological thinking and
research has helped American intellectuals and
policy makers frame the issues associated with civil
liberties and understand the implications of deci-
sions regarding civil liberties for the well-being of
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