Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

Plotnick, Robert and Saul Hoffman 1999 ‘‘The Effect of
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comes: Alternative Estimates.’’ Social Science Quarter-
ly 80 (1):forthcoming.

Putnam, Robert 1996 ‘‘The Strange Disppearance of
Civic America.’’ The American Prospect. Winter,
1996: 34–48.

Redfield, Robert 1955 The Little Community. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.

Sampson, Robert 1997a ‘‘Neighborhoods and Violent
Crime: A Multilevel Study of Collective Efficacy.’’
Science 277:918–925.

——— 1997b ‘‘Collective Regulation of Adolescent Mis-
behavior: Validation Results from Eighty Chicago
Neighborhoods.’’ Journal of Adolescent Research 12

Sklar, Kathryn 1998 ‘‘Hull-House Maps and Papers:
Social Science as Women’s Work in the 1890’s.’’ In
Helene Silverberg, ed., Gender and American Social
Science: The Formative Years. Princeton, N.J.: Prince-
ton University Press.

Suttles, Gerald 1972 The Social Construction of Communi-
ties. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

——— 1968 The Social Order of the Slum: Ethnicity and
Territory in the Inner City. Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press.

Thernstrom, Stephen 1964 Poverty and Progress. Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Wallace, Roderick, and Deborah Wallace 1990 ‘‘Origins
of Public Health Collapse in New York City: The
Dynamics of Planned Shrinkage, Contagious Urban
Decay, and Social Disintegration.’’ Bulletin of the New
York Academy of Medicine 66:391–434.

Warner, W. Lloyd 1959 The Living and the Dead: A Study
of the Symbolic Life of Americans. New Haven: Yale
University Press.

———, and J.O. Low 1947 The Social System of the Modern
Factory: The Strike, A Social Analysis. New Haven: Yale
University Press.

———, Paul S. Lund, and Leo Srole 1963 Yankee City.
New Haven: Yale University Press.

Warner, W. Lloyd, and Leo Srole 1945 The Social Systems
of American Ethnic Groups. New Haven: Yale Universi-
ty Press.

Warner, W. Lloyd, and Paul S. Lund 1941 The Social Life
of a Modern Community. New Haven: Yale Universi-
ty Press.

——— 1942 The Status System of a Modern Community.
New Haven: Yale University Press.

Warren, Roland 1978 The Community in America. Chica-
go: Rand McNally.

Wellman, Barry, and Barry Leighton 1979 ‘‘Networks,
Neighborhoods, and Community: Approaches to the
Study of the Community Question.’’ Urban Affairs
Quarterly 14 (3):363–390.
Whyte, William Foote 1943 Street Corner Society: The
Social Structure of an Italian Slum. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Wilson, William 1996 When Work Disappears: The World
of the New Urban Poor. New York: Knopf.
——— 1987 The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the
Underclass, and Public Policy. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Wirth, Louis 1938 ‘‘Urbanism as a Way of Life.’’ Ameri-
can Journal of Sociology 44:1–24.
Zimmerman, Carle C. 1938 The Changing Community.
New York: Harper and Brothers.



See Community; Comparative Health-Care Sys-
tems; Health Promotion and Health Status;
Medical Sociology.


‘‘Comparable worth’’ is one approach to increas-
ing pay equity between jobs done primarily by
women and minorities and those done primarily
by majority men. It refers to equalizing compensa-
tion for jobs requiring comparable levels of effort,
skill, and responsibility. The concept of compara-
ble worth defines ‘‘equal work’’ as ‘‘work of equiva-
lent value,’’ a broader concept than limiting ‘‘equal
work’’ to meaning the ‘‘same work.’’ Comparable
worth uses job-evaluation methods to establish
equivalencies of different jobs in order to identify
and correct disparities in pay between jobs held
primarily by women and minority men and jobs
held primarily by nonminority men. It is worth
noting that the term pay equity is often used in
conjunction with discussions of comparable worth;
it usually refers not only to comparable worth but
also to other approaches to achieving equity and
justice in wages. Pay equity is the best subject
heading or ‘‘key word’’ to use when doing further
research on the topic of comparable worth.
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