Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

Comparing health-care systems entails a vast
array of information, including historical back-
ground, cultural patterns and beliefs, geographic
considerations, as well as social, economic, and
political factors. It involves detailed descriptions
of policies and procedures, complex statistical
profiles, as well as an understanding of conceptual
frameworks, theory, and comparative methods.
The potential rewards of comparative work, how-
ever, balance the challenges. Whether there is
convergence in the structure and functioning of
health-care systems or not, many of the problems
faced by nations in delivering health-care to citi-
zens are similar. There are lessons to be learned
from comparing health-care systems internation-
ally that can only aid in addressing these problems.


Albrecht, Gary L., and J. Warren Salmon 1992 ‘‘Soviet
Health-care in the Glastnost Era.’’ In Marilyn Rosenthal
and Marcel Frenkel, eds., Health-care Systems and their
Patients: An International Perspective. Boulder, Co:
Westview Press.

Anderson, Gerard F., and Jean-Pierre Poullier 1999
‘‘Health Spending, Access, and Outcomes: Trends in
Industrialized Countries.’’ Health Affairs 18:178–192.

Anderson, Odin W. 1989 The Health Service Continuum
in Democratic States: An Inquiry into Solvable Problems.
Ann Arbor, Mich.: Health Administration Press.

Anyinam, C. A. 1989 ‘‘The Social Costs of the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund’s Adjustment Programs for
Poverty: The Case of Health-Care Development in
Ghana.’’ International Journal of Health Services

Bertranou, Fabio M. 1999 ‘‘Are Market-Oriented Health
Insurance Reforms Possible in Latin America? The
Cases of Argentina, Chile and Colombia.’’ Health
Policy 47:19–36.

Donelan, Karen, Robert J. Blendon, Cathy Schoen,
Karen Davis, and Katherine Binns 1999 ‘‘The Cost of
Health-System Change: Public Discontent in Five
Nations.’’ Health Affairs 18:206–216.

Elling, Ray H. 1994 ‘‘Theory and Method for the Cross-
National Study of Health Systems’’ International Jour-
nal of Health Services 24:285–309.

Esping-Andersen, Gosta 1990 The Three Worlds of Wel-
fare Capitalism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Universi-
ty Press.

Evans, Robert G. 1997 ‘‘Going for the Gold: The
Redistributive Agenda behind Market-Based HealthCare

Reform.’’ Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Field, Mark G. ‘‘The Health-System and the Polity: A
Contemporary American Dialectic.’’ Social Science
and Medicine 14:397–413.
Frenk, Julio 1994 ‘‘Dimensions of Health-System Re-
form.’’ Health Policy 27:19–34.
Graig, Laurene A. 1993 Health of Nations: An Internation-
al Perspective on U.S. Health Care Reform. 2nd Ed.
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly.
Hermanson, Terhi, Seppo Aro, and Charles L. Bennett
1994 ‘‘Finland’s Health-Care System: Universal Ac-
cess to Health-Care in a Capitalistic Democracy.’’
Journal of the American Medical Association 271:1957–1962.
Ikegami, Naoki, and John Creighton Campbell 1999
‘‘Health-Care Reform in Japan: The Virtues of Mud-
dling Through.’’ Health Affairs 18:56–75.
Klein, Rudolf 1998 ‘‘Why Britain is Reorganizing Its
National Health Service—Yet Again.’’ Health Affairs
Lassey, Marie L., William R. Lassey, and Martin J. Jinks
1997 Health-Care Systems Around the World: Character-
istics, Issues, Reforms. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pren-
tice Hall.
Light, Donald W. 1990 ‘‘Comparing Health-Care Sys-
tems: Lessons from East and West Germany.’’ In P.
Conrad and R. Kern eds., The Sociology of Health &
Illness: Critical Perspectives, 3rd ed. New York: St.
Martin’s Press.
Liu, Gordon, Xingszhu Liu, and Qingyue Meng 1994
‘‘Privatization of the Medical Market in Socialist
China: A Historical Approach.’’ Health Policy 27:157–174.
Mechanic, David, and David A. Rochefort 1996 ‘‘Com-
parative Medical Systems.’’ Annual Review of Sociology
Payer, Lynn 1996 Medicine and Culture, 2nd ed. New
York: Owl Books/Henry Holt.
Roemer, Milton I. 1991 National Health-Systems of the
World, vols. 1 and 2 New York: Oxford Universi-
ty Press.
Saltman, Richard B., and Casten Von Otter 1992 Planned
Markets and Public Competition: Strategic Reform in
Northern European Health Systems. Philadelphia: Open
University Press.
Sanneh, Kanja B. A. S. 1999 ‘‘The Role of Traditional
Healers in Primary Health-Care: Roadblocks to Health
Education in Africa.’’ Unpublished paper. Depart-
ment of Health Policy and Management, University
of Kansas.
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