Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

textured, multi-voiced portrayals and understand-
ings of perennial questions of fundamental hu-
man significance.


Abbott, Andrew 1992 ‘‘From Causes to Events: Notes on
Narrative Positivism.’’ Sociological Methods and Re-
search 20:428–55.

Abrams, Philip 1982 Historical Sociology. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press.

Aminzade, Ron 1992 ‘‘Historical Sociology and Time.’’
Sociological Methods and Research 20:456–480.

Beer, Samuel 1963 ‘‘Causal Explanation and Imagina-
tive Reenactment.’’ History and Theory 3:6–29.

Bendix, Reinhard (1956) 1974 Work and Authority in
Industry: Ideologies of Management in the Course of
Industrialization. Berkeley: University of Califor-
nia Press.

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parative Sociological Studies.’’ American Sociological
Review 28:532–539.

Bloch, Marc (1928) 1969 ‘‘A Contribution Towards
Comparative History of European Societies.’’ In M.
Bloch, ed., Life and Work in Medieval Europe: Selected
Papers of Marc Bloch. New York: Harper Torchbooks.

Bonnell, Victoria 1980 ‘‘On the Uses of Theory, Con-
cepts and Comparison in Historical Sociology.’’ Com-
parative Studies in Society and History 22:156–173.

Burawoy, Michael 1989 ‘‘Two Methods in Search of
Science: Skocpol versus Trotsky.’’ Theory and Society

Carr, E. H. 1961. What is History? New York: Vintage.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher 1979 ‘‘Comparative Research
on World System Characteristics.’’ International Stud-
ies Quarterly 23:601–625.

Deane, Glenn, E.M. Beck, and Stewart E. Tolnay 1998
‘‘Incorporating Space into Social Histories: How Spa-
tial Processes Operate and How we Observe Them.’’
International Review of Social History 43:57–80.

Franzosi, Roberto 1998 ‘‘Narrative as Data: Linguistic
and Statistical tools for the Quantitative Study of
Historical Events. International Journal of Social Histo-
ry 43:81–104.

Frendreis, James 1983 ‘‘Explanation of Variation and
Detection of Covaration: The Purpose and Logic of
Comparative Analysis.’’ Comparative Political Studies

Geertz, Clifford 1980 ‘‘Blurred Genres: The
Reconfiguration of Social Thought.’’ American Schol-
ar 49:165–179.

——— 1973 The Interpretation of Cultures. New York.:
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Goldhagen, Daniel 1996 Hitler’s Willing Executors: Ordi-
nary Germans and the Holocaust. New York: Knopf.
Goldstone, Jack 1997 ‘‘Methodological Issues in Com-
parative Macrosociology.’’ Comparative Social Research
——— 1991 Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern
World. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Cali-
fornia Press.
Griffin, Larry J. 1993 ‘‘Narrative, Event-Structure, and
Causal Interpretation in Historical Sociology.’’ Ameri-
can Journal of Sociology 98:1094–1133.
——— 1992 ‘‘Temporality, Events and Explanation in
Historical Sociology: An Introduction.’’ Sociological
Methods and Research 20:403–27.
Hibbs, Douglas 1978 ‘‘On the Political Economy of
Long-run Trends in Strike Activity.’’ British Journal of
Political Science 8:51–75.
Isaac, Larry, and Larry J. Griffin 1989 ‘‘Ahistoricism in
Times Series Analysis of Historical Process: Critique,
Redirection and Illustrations from U.S. Labor Histo-
ry.’’ American Sociological Review 54:873–890.
Jackman, Robert 1984 ‘‘Cross National Statistical Re-
search and the Study of Comparative Politics.’’ Ameri-
can Journal of Political Science 28:161–182.
Joynt, Cary, and Nicholas Rescher 1960 ‘‘The Problem
of Uniqueness in History.’’ History and Theory 1:150–162.
Kiser, Edgar, and Michael Hechter 1998 ‘‘The Debate
on Historical Sociology: Rational Choice Theory and
Its Critics.’’ American Journal of Sociology 104:785–816.
——— 1991 ‘‘The Role of General Theory in Compara-
tive-Historical Sociology.’’ American Journal of Sociolo-
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Kohn, Melvin (ed.) 1989 Cross-National Research in Soci-
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Korpi, Walter 1989 ‘‘Power, Politics and State Autono-
my in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social
Rights During Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries
Since 1930.’’ American Sociological Review 54:309–328.
Lijphart, Arend 1971 ‘‘Comparative Politics and the
Comparative Method.’’ American Political Science Re-
view 65:682–93.
Mahoney, James 1999 ‘‘Nominal, Ordinal, and Narra-
tive Appraisal in Macrocausal Analysis’’ American
Journal of Sociology 104:1154–1196.
McCammon. Holly 1998 ‘‘Using Event History Analysis
in Historical Research: With Illustrations from a
Study of the Passage of Women’s Protective Legisla-
tion.’’ International Review of Social History 43:33–55.
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