Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

and Trost 1998). These efforts give added empha-
sis to people’s dependence on social relationships
and groups and address questions such as whether
minority and majority influence work through
different or similar processes. Also, new, more
systematic cross-cultural research attempts to un-
derstand both what is universal and what is cultur-
ally variable about conformity and compliance
(Markus and Kitiyama 1994; Smith and Bond 1996).


Allen, Vernon L. 1975 ‘‘Social Support for Nonconformity.’’
In L. Berkowitz, ed., Advances in Experimental Social
Psychology, vol. 8, 2–43. New York: Academic Press.

Asch, Solomon E. 1951 ‘‘Effects of Group Pressure
Upon the Modification and Distortion of Judgments.’’
In H. Guetzkow, ed., Groups, Leadership, and Men.
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Press.

——— 1956 ‘‘Studies of Independence and Submission
to Group Pressure: I. A Minority of One Against a
Unanimous Majority.’’ Psychological Monographs 70
(9, whole no. 416).

Becker, B. J. 1986 ‘‘Influence Again: Another Look at
Studies of Gender Differences in Social Influence.’’
In Janet Shibley Hyde and Marci C. Lynn, eds., The
Psychology of Gender: Advances Through Meta-Analysis.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Berkowitz, Leonard, and J. R. Macaulay 1961 ‘‘Some
Effects of Differences in Status Level and Status
Stability.’’ Human Relations 14:135–147.

Bond, M. H. and P. B. Smith 1996 ‘‘Culture and Con-
formity: A Meta-Analysis of Studies Using Asch’s
Line Judgment Task.’’ Psychological Bulletin119:111–137.

Cialdini, Robert B., and Melanie R. Trost 1998 ‘‘Social
Influence: Social Norms, Conformity, and Compli-
ance.’’ In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, and G. Lindzey,
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Eagly, Alice H. 1987 Sex Differences in Social Behavior: A
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———, and Wendy Wood 1985 ‘‘Gender and Influence-
ability: Stereotype vs. Behavior.’’ In V. E. O’Leary, R.
K. Unger, and B. S. Walson, eds., Women, Gender and
Social Psychology. Hillsdale, N.J.: Earlbaum.

Festinger, Leon 1950 ‘‘Informal Social Communica-
tion.’’ Psychological Review 57:217–282.

——— 1954 ‘‘A Theory of Social Comparison Process-
es.’’ Human Relations 7:117–140.

Gerson, Lowell W. 1975 ‘‘Punishment and Position:
The Sanctioning of Deviants in Small Groups.’’ In P.
V. Crosbie, ed., Interaction in Small Groups. New
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Harvey, O. J., and Conrad Consalvi 1960 ‘‘Status and
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nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 60:182–187.
Hollander, Edwin P. 1958 ‘‘Conformity, Status, and
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——— 1960 ‘‘Competence and Conformity in the Ac-
ceptance of Influence.’’ Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology 61:365–369.
Janis, Irving L. 1972 Victims of Groupthink: A Psychological
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Kelman, Herbert C. 1958 ‘‘Compliance, Identification,
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Levine, John M. 1980 ‘‘Reaction to Opinion Deviance in
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Theories of Selves.’’ Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin 20:568–579.
Milgram, Stanley 1963 ‘‘Behavioral Study of Obedi-
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——— 1974 Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View.
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Moscovici, Serge 1976 Social Influence and Social Change.
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——— 1985 ‘‘Social Influence and Conformity.’’ In G.
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———, A. Mucchi-Faina, and A. Maass 1994 Minority
Influence. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
Nemeth, Charlan 1986 ‘‘Differential Contributions of
Majority and Minority Influence.’’ Psychological Re-
view 93:23–32.
Ridgeway, Cecilia L. 1981 ‘‘Nonconformity, Compe-
tence, and Influence in Groups: A Test of Two
Theories.’’ American Sociological Review 46:333–347.
——— 1993 ‘‘Gender, Status, and the Social Psychology
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der/Feminism on Theory. New York: Aldine.
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