Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

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Parker-Gwin, Rachel, and William G. Roy 1996 ‘‘Corpo-
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tional Organization 49:105–137.

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Scott, W. Richard 1987 ‘‘The Adolescence of Institu-
tional Theory.’’ Administrative Science Quarterly

Steckmest, Francis W. 1982 Corporate Performance: The
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Victor, Bart, and John B. Cullen 1988 ‘‘The Organiza-
tional Bases of Ethical Work Climates.’’ Administra-
tive Science Quarterly 33:101–125.
Westphal, James D., and Edward J. Zajac 1997 ‘‘Defec-
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Whetten, David A. 1987 ‘‘Organizational Growth and
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Wholey, Douglas, and Jack Brittain 1989 ‘‘Characteriz-
ing Environmental Variation.’’ Academy of Manage-
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Wilks, Stephen 1992 ‘‘Science, Technology and the
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See Penology; Criminal Sanctions; Criminology.


In 1885, Francis Galton, a British biologist, pub-
lished a paper in which he demonstrated with
graphs and tables that the children of very tall
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