Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1


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Calif.: IDG Books.

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portance of Dating Relationships on Quality of Life
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Farber, Bernard 1964 Family Organization and Interac-
tion. San Francisco: Chandler.

Fein, Ellen, and Sherrie Schneider 1995 The Rules: Time-
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Frazier, Patricia, Nancy Arikian, Sonja Benson, Ann
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Gray, John 1998 Mars and Venus on a Date. New York:

Kirkpatrick, Clifford (1955) 1963 The Family as Process
and Institution, 2nd ed. New York: Ronald.

Kuriansky, Judy 1996 The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Dat-
ing. New York: Alpha Books.

Laner, Mary R. 1995 Dating: Delights, Discontents, and
Dilemmas. Salem, Wisc.: Sheffield.

Murstein, Bernard I. 1980 ‘‘Mate Selection in the 1970s.’’
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Popenoe, David 1987 ‘‘Beyond the Nuclear Family: A
Statistical Portrait of the Changing Family in Swe-
den.’’ Journal of Marriage and the Family 49:173–183.
Qian, Zhenchao 1998 ‘‘Changes in Assortative Mating:
The Impact of Age and Education, 1970–1990.’’
Demography 35(3):279–292.
Queen, Stuart A., Robert W. Habenstein, and Jill S.
Quadagno 1985 The Family in Various Cultures, 5th
ed. New York: Harper and Row.
Ramu, G. N. 1989 ‘‘Patterns in Mate Selection.’’ In K.
Ishwaran, ed., Family and Marriage: Cross-Cultural
Perspectives. Toronto: Wall and Thompson.
Rothman, Ellen K. 1984 Hands and Hearts: A History of
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Schur, Edwin M. 1988 The Americanization of Sex. Phila-
delphia: Temple University Press.
Stein, Peter J. (ed.) 1981 Single Life: Unmarried Adults in
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Stephen, Timothy D. 1985 ‘‘Fixed-Sequence and Circu-
lar-Causal Models of Relationship Development: Di-
vergent Views on the Role of Communication in
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Family Issues in the United States.’’ Journal of Mar-
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See Criminal Sanctions; Criminology; Social


The interpretation of crime rates seems unprob-
lematic, but those sociologists who study crime
know that is not the case. Even simple counts of
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