Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

Olson, Mancur 1971 The Logic of Collective Action. Cam-
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Pateman, Carole 1970 Participation and Democratic Theo-
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Origins and Beyond: Historical Social Analysis since
the 1960s.’’ In Theda Skocpol, ed., Democracy, Revolu-
tion, and History 1–21. Ithaca, N.Y. and London:
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Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1977 The Social Contract and
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality. New York: Wash-
ington Square Press.

Sandoval, Salvador A. M. 1998 ‘‘Social Movements and
Democratization: The Case of Brazil and the Latin
Countries.’’ In Marco G. Giugni, Doug McAdam,
and Charles Tilly, eds., From Contention to Democracy
169–202. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield.

Scaff, Lawrence A. 1981 ‘‘Max Weber and Robert
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Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1976 Capitalism, Socialism, and
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Somers, Margaret A. 1993 ‘‘Citizenship and the Place of
the Public Sphere: Law, Community, and Political
Culture in the Transition to Democracy.’’ American
Sociological Review 58:587–620.

Stepan-Norris, Judith, and Maurice Zeitlin 1994 ‘‘Union
Democracy, Radical Leadership, and the Hegemony
of Capital.’’ American Sociological Review 1995:829–850.

Streeck, Wolfgang, and Philippe C. Schmitter 1985
‘‘Community, Market, State—and Associations? The
Prospective Contribution of Interest Governance to
Social Order.’’ In Wolfgang Streeck and Philippe C.
Schmitter, eds., Private Interest Government 1–29. Lon-
don: Sage Publications.

Tilly, Charles 1998 ‘‘Where Do Rights Come From?’’ In
Theda Skocpol, ed., Democracy, Revolution, and Histo-
ry 55–72. Ithaca, N.Y. and London: Cornell Universi-
ty Press.

Tocqueville, Alexis de 1969 Democracy in America. Gar-
den City, N.J.: Harper Perennial.

Weber, Max 1978 ‘‘Parliament and Government in a
Reconstructed Germany: A Contribution to the Po-
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Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, eds., Economy and
Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology 1381–1469.
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Wilson, James Q. 1989 Bureaucracy: What Government
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Demographic methods are used to provide re-
searchers and policymakers with useful informa-
tion about the size and structure of human popula-
tions and the processes that govern population
changes. A population, of course, may range in
size from a small number of individuals surveyed
locally to a large national population enumerated
in periodic censuses to even larger aggregated

We use demographic methods not only in
purely demographic applications, but also in a
variety of other fields, among them sociology,
economics, anthropology, public health, and busi-
ness. Demographers, like all researchers, must pay
careful attention to the quality of data that enter
into their analyses. Some circumstances under
which we use these methods are more trying than
others. In cases in which the data are viewed to be
accurate and complete, the methods we use to
analyze them are more straightforward than those
that are applied to data of imperfect quality.


First we must develop ways to describe our data in
a fashion that allows the most important facts to
leap out at us. As one example, let us examine a
population’s age structure or distribution. Simple
descriptive statistics are doubtless helpful in sum-
marizing aspects of population age structure, but
demographers often use age ‘‘pyramids’’ to con-
vey to an audience the youthfulness of a popula-
tion, for example, or even to convey a rough sense
of a nation’s history.
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