Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

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Conceived in the 1960s by analysts native to de-
veloping countries, dependency theory is an
alternative to Eurocentric accounts of modernization
as universalistic, unilinear evolution (Addo 1996).
Instead, contemporary underdevelopment is seen
as an outgrowth of asymmetrical contacts with
capitalism. The thesis is straightforward: Follow-
ing the first wave of modernization, less-de-
veloped countries are transformed by their
interconnectedness with other nations, and the
nature of their contacts, economies, and ideolo-
gies (Keith 1997). Interaction between social or-
ders is never merely a benign manifestation of
economic or cultural diffusion. Rather, both the
direction and pace of change leads to internal
restructuring designed to bolster the interests of
the more powerful exchange partner without al-
tering the worldwide distribution of affluence.

Widely utilized as both a heuristic and empiri-
cal template, dependency theory emerged from
neo-Marxist critiques of the failure of significant
capital infusion, through the United Nations Eco-
nomic Commission for Latin America, to improve
overall quality of life or provide significant returns
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