Handbook of Corporate Finance Empirical Corporate Finance Volume 1

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xxiv Contents of Volume 1

  1. Security offerings and market timing 330
    5.1. Timing theories with rational market pricing 330
    5.2. Timing theories with non-rational market pricing 336
    5.3. Evidence on long-run post-issue stock returns 339
    5.4. Robustness issues 350

  2. Conclusions and issues for future research 355
    References 361

Chapter 7
IPO Underpricing
Abstract 376
Keywords 377

  1. Introduction 378

  2. Evidence of underpricing 381

  3. Asymmetric information models 384
    3.1. The winner’s curse 384
    3.2. Information revelation theories 389
    3.3. Principal-agent models 396
    3.4. Underpricing as a signal of firm quality 400

  4. Institutional explanations 402
    4.1. Legal liability 402
    4.2. Price stabilization 405
    4.3. Tax arguments 408

  5. Ownership and control 408
    5.1. Underpricing as a means to retain control 409
    5.2. Underpricing as a means to reduce agency costs 411

  6. Behavioral explanations 412
    6.1. Cascades 412
    6.2. Investor sentiment 414
    6.3. Prospect theory and mental accounting 416

  7. Concluding remarks 417
    References 418

Chapter 8
Conglomerate Firms and Internal Capital Markets
Abstract 424
Keywords 424

  1. Introduction 425

  2. The conglomerate discount 426
    2.1. Documenting the discount: Early research 426
    2.2. Initial caveats: The data 430

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