252 B.E. Eckbo et al.
Ta b l e 3
Annual distribution of the population of 80,627 security issues in the U.S., 1980–2003
Year Equity IPOs Seasoned equity offerings Public straight debt offerings
All Regular Unit All Regular Shelf All Regular Shelf
1980 127 108 19 382 382 0 314 314 0
1981 303 267 36 416 416 0 254 254 0
1982 117 98 19 444 417 27 375 226 149
1983 659 574 85 813 672 141 324 135 189
1984 332 261 71 251 242 9 376 164 212
1985 339 287 52 400 391 9 554 251 303
1986 675 584 91 507 500 7 860 322 538
1987 529 447 82 314 311 3 626 232 394
1988 276 234 42 140 139 1 529 197 332
1989 237 183 54 230 229 1 555 202 353
1990 205 175 30 188 184 4 468 146 322
1991 398 349 49 508 498 10 1327 627 700
1993 805 729 76 736 706 30 1789 953 836
1994 631 539 92 474 438 36 1597 676 921
1995 572 508 64 619 535 84 2253 945 1308
1996 857 785 72 767 674 93 2626 1084 1542
1997 606 570 36 736 518 218 3440 1493 1947
1998 380 371 9 562 360 202 3704 1634 2070
1999 531 523 8 438 354 84 3488 2051 1437
2000 382 378 4 397 304 93 3172 1953 1219
2001 126 119 7 427 244 183 2873 1680 1193
2002 169 166 3 422 255 167 2596 1410 1186
2003 128 128 0 502 267 235 2160 1197 963
All 9987 8924 1063 11151 9506 1645 37398 18736 18662
Year PP straight debt PP common stock Conv. debt ADR
All Regular Reg-144a All Regular Reg-144a
1980 2 2 0 0 0 0 93 2
1981 365 365 0 29 29 0 88 1
1982 429 429 0 34 34 0 66 3
1983 462 462 0 51 51 0 113 10
1984 408 408 0 37 37 0 66 9
1985 553 553 0 69 69 0 138 2
1986 735 735 0 67 67 0 203 6
1987 864 864 0 53 53 0 146 16
1988 1160 1159 1 80 80 0 35 8
1989 971 971 0 99 99 0 61 8
1990 907 892 15 69 66 3 33 2
1991 987 870 117 90 77 13 49 12
1992 956 764 192 89 84 5 63 19
1993 1234 806 428 96 88 8 89 39
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