(Chris Devlin) #1

be a determining factor in how successful the individual is in dealing
with cultural adaptability later in life. Competence in more than one
language at an early age adds another layer to perception and cultural

‘ As If ’ Qualities

In psychological terms, global leaders require a personality that combines
some slightly paradoxical characteristics. On the one hand, they need to
have what has been described in another context as an ‘ as if ’ character-
istic (Deutsch, 1942 ) — that is, they need to be able to conduct themselves
in a chameleon - like way. They need to be individuals who have a plastic
readiness to pick up signals from the external world and mold themselves
and their behavior accordingly, easily adapting to whatever culture they
fi nd themselves in. In the true ‘ as if ’ personality, the advantage of such
adaptability, however, is usually counterbalanced by a shallowness in
relationships, an absence of genuine feelings, and a lack of a strong sense
of identity (making for transient identifi cations and kaleidoscopic shifts
in behavior).
On the other hand, global leaders need as a part of their inner script
a set of resilient core values that will guide them and provide support
in whatever environment they fi nd themselves — core values that are
compatible with those of the corporate culture. The challenge becomes
to combine qualities of resiliency with those of plasticity. This does not
necessarily have to be a contradiction. ‘ Going native ’ is not the answer,
but neither is staying aloof from the host culture. A middle position is
to be recommended.
Those who lack a strong set of inner values may feel threatened and
act defensively, resisting the benefi ts of cultural exposure. However,
individuals with a cohesive sense of self and a set of core values can allow
themselves to rework and build on earlier experiences without becoming
anxious about being swept away into the unknown if they adopt aspects
of another culture. These individuals will recognize the potential for
creative synergy in doing so. They are the ones who will successfully
populate the organization of the future, going beyond narrow ethno-
centric concerns and making the world a true ‘ global village. ’

Narcissistic Development

Another essential element in the foundations of an effective leader is
having successfully dealt with the trials and tribulations of narcissism
(Kohut, 2000 ; Kets de Vries, 2006 ). Narcissism is the matrix from

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