Abagnale, Frank 81–2
ABB 196, 211, 212, 213, 217–19, 221,
Abraham, Karl 82–3
absenteeism 108
accountability 314
achievement orientation 268
admiration, need for 27–8
Aeschylus 106
Aesop 307
aggression 142–3, 171
al-Assad, Hafez 163
Al-Bashir, Omar Hassan 166
alcohol 49–50
Alexander the Great 195, 198–210,
241, 315
aspiring to greatness 200–1
conquests 202–3
discontent with 204
education and training 199–200
legacy 205–6
lessons in leadership from 206–10
life 199–205
personality 204–5
as strategist 203–4
succession 201
alexithymia 3, 44
as communication disorder
coping 75–7
degrees of 68–9
identifi cation 63–4
management of 73–4, 76–7
origins 66–8
primary 68, 75, 76–7
secondary 68–9, 76–7
warning signs 74–5
in the workplace 69–70
alexithymic CEO 70–2
detached CEO 70
social sensor 71–2
systems person 70–1
alexithymic executive 62–78
alexithymic manager, working
with 72–3
alienation 216