(Chris Devlin) #1


all-or-nothing attitude 23
Al-Qaeda 165
ambiguity, dealing with 256
American Express Company 81
Amin, Idi 146, 182
Andersen, Hans Christian 94
anger 11
animists 157–8
anthropological approaches 9
Antipater 207
antisocial behavior, malevolent
anxiety 11, 53, 234, 309
apathy 43
applause, desire for 14–15
Archimedes 231
architectural role 194, 211, 214–23,
all change 221
bureaucracy 218
creating good corporate
citizens 221–3
creativity, nurturing 219–20
fl at structures, not tall
hierarchies 214–15
know thyself 223
new idea for new times 215–16
role of IT 218
small is beautiful 216–17
structuring for success 217–18
swifter than light 220–1
valuing customers 220
Arendt, Hannah 153
Aristotle 199
Armenian holocaust 163
‘as if ’ qualities 259
ascription 268
ASEA 213, 217
associative thinking 230
Astra 93
attachment affi liation 310
attribute listing 230
authoritarianism 148–9
authority 11, 29, 44, 45
confl icts 35
search for 136–9

autocratic leadership 240, 244
autogenic training 77

Bach, Johann Sebastian 235
Bach, Richard 98
Bacon, Francis 227
Bailey, Thomas 146
Barnevik, Percy 196, 211–19, 221–6
basic assumptions tendency 140
Beckett, Samuel: Waiting for Godot 61
Beethoven, Ludwig van 265
benchmarking 300
Benz, Karl 18
Bergman, Ingmar 235–6
Berlin Wall, fall of 164
bi-sociative thinking 231
Bierce, Ambrose 106
Bin Laden, Osama 151
biofeedback 77
Bion, Wilfred 139, 140
bipolar disorder 44, 46
characterization 50–1, 53
genetic basis 56
Black, Conrad 132
Bologna Process 268
Bonaparte, Napoleon 265
Bosnian war 164
brainstorming 230
Branson, Richard 195, 196, 211–26,
237, 311
Brewer, Marilynn 272
British Airways 225
British Petroleum 251, 267
Brown Boveri 213, 217
brutalization 185
bubble organizations 273
buffoon 114
builder role 213
Bullock, Alan 86
Bureau Pathology 291–2
business process re-engineering 213,
215, 217

Caligula 128, 132, 146, 176
capriciousness 182–3
Carnegie, Andrew 18
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