Castro, Fidel 146
catalyst of change 301
Catch Me If You Can 81
Catherine the Great 292
Ceausescu, Elena 162
Ceausescu, Nicolae 146, 162, 163
centralized leadership 244
Cervantes: Don Quixote 80–1
‘Challenge of Leadership’ seminar 104
chameleon leaders 273
change, dealing with 273–5
charisma 7, 43, 44–5
charismatic attribution 46
charismatic leadership 44–6, 194, 211,
223–5, 302, 314
charm 43
Chatterton, Thomas 85–6
Cheka 293
Chesterton, G.K. 97
childhood experience 17–18, 234,
character formation in
Russian 284–9
Chirico, Giorgio de 234, 235
Christensen, Roland xvii
Churchill, Winston 159–60
Cinderella complex 103
Clance, Pauline 100, 101
Clark, Robert 131, 142
clowns 114–15
cognitive dissonance 271
Cold War 164
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: ‘Kubla
Khan’ 230
collectivism 268, 293
colluding mind 179–83
Colton, Charles Caleb 79
command-and-control style of
management 215, 303
Communist Party 293
community 310–11
company culture 245
competition 28–9
competitive advantage 207
competitive analysis 207
compulsive organization 69
Conféderation Générale du Travail
(CGT) 266
confi dence, lack of 18
confl ict, inner, externalizing 135–6
consensual leadership 244
consolidation of gains 209
conspiracy, culture of 177–9
contagion effect 105
control 26–7
cruelty as 173–5
need for 11–13
thought-control 179–80
control-and-reward system 314
convergent thinking 230
alexithymia 75–7
with distance and aggression 143
hypomania 59–60
with terror 188–90
corporate downsizing 215
Council of Boyars 301–2
cour t jester 114, 115
creative destructor 11
creative management 236–40
diffi culties 240–1
leadership factors 240
organizational cultural factors 239
organizational factors 238–9
creative strategy 206–7
creativity 53, 196
characteristics 228–30
constructive 233–4
enhancement 288
genetic factors 231–3
management 227–41
reactive 234–6
stimulating 230–1
crimes against humanity 163
cruelty as control device 173–5
cultural adaptability 256–8
cultural relativity 245
cyclothymia 50, 204, 290
DaimlerChrysler 271
Danone 311
Darius III, King of Persia 202