De Angelis, Anthony 81
dead fi sh syndrome 62–3, 77
decentralization 215, 236
decision-making 36, 159, 210
defense mechanisms 139
defi nition of entrepreneur 8
dehumanization 187–8
of grandeur 143, 177
of persecution 143
democracy, need for 159–60
democratic centralism 301
democratic leadership 240, 244
denial 58
dependency 33, 140
dependency orientation 176
depersonalization 216
depression 20, 23, 28, 47, 57, 234
depressive organization 69
desensitization 185
despair, fl eeing into 189–90
despotism 129, 146–66, 171–9
judicial remedy 163–5
maintenance of regimes 152–3
need to fi ght 161–2
toolbox 153–8
Deterding, Henry 18
Deutsch, Helen 83
Diageo 271, 273
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the
Mental Disorders
(DSM-IV-TR) 50–1
Dingiswayo, King 169, 178
Diogenes 241
Dionysian quality 44–6
Dirty War, Argentina 163
Disraeli, Benjamin 264
dissociation 43, 189
distance 142–3
distrust, sense of 13–14
divergent thinking 230
diversity, challenge of 267–70
divide-and-conquer leadership
180 –1
divine-animal 114
Dongier, Maurice xviii
Dupont 225
dysfunctional developments 35–6
Ebony 18
economic perspective 9–10
economies of scale 216
edifi ce complex 15
educational attainment 269
ego ideal 136
Eisner, Michael 132
elation 43, 50–3
Ellison, Larry 15
El-Sayed, Refaat 92–5
emotional expressiveness 268
emotional intelligence (EQ) 194, 257,
emotional reactivity 229
among alexithymics 64,68
lack of 172
employee-turnover rates 108
empowerment 255
encouragement of followers 208
energy 225, 228
Enron 120
enterprise, decline in 36–7
entrepreneurial life cycle 33–9
entrepreneurial personality: case
study 18–33
background 21–2
competition and self-defeating
behavior 28–9
control 26–7
falling into extremes 22–4
grandiosity and depression 28
la vie en rose 23–4
major issues 22
meaning of work 26–8
medusa women 24–5
need for admiration 27–8
presenting picture 20–1
process of change 31–3
psychoanalytic process 18–20
symbolic nature of enterprise
environmental dynamism 36