(Chris Devlin) #1

envisioning 254–5
envy 106, 132
Erasmus 115
Praise of Folly 113
Erikson, Erik 280
ethnocentrism 249
Eulenspiegel, Till 80
euphoria 49, 136
European leader, making of
executive role constellation
198, 207
expatriation 252–3
experiential training 261–2
exploratory/assertive needs 310
external competition 270–1

failure 11
fear of 110
fake connection 137
false self 99, 287–8
family dynamics, effects of 17–18,
family reaction 258
family therapy 77
fear 11
of failure 110
as reality 105–7
of success 102–3
Fermenta 92–4, 95–6
Field, W.C. 91
fi ght–fl ight orientation 140–1, 176
Fleming, Alexander 231, 240
fl ight into action 17, 204
fl ight into health xix
fl i g h t i n t o r e a l i t y 2 2
fool, cha racter ist ics 117
Ford, Edsel 38
Ford, Henry 38
fraudulence 106
Frederick the Great 132–5, 137
freedom, fi ghting for 190
Freud, Sig mund x v i, 102 , 116, 118,
136–7, 139
Friedman, Mikhail 295
FUD factor 309

gain sharing 219
gamesmanship 7
Gandhi, Mahatma 135, 166, 316
General Electric 196, 211, 212, 213,
217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224,
general leadership qualities
General Motors 214
general role differentiation 268
geocentrism 249–50, 251, 309
Gestapo 155
glasnost 288, 293
global leaders
framework for analyzing
development of 262–3
qualities 253–62
global organizations
career-path management 252–3
case study 248–9
facilitating return 253
forms of 249–53
globalism, concepts of 249–52
globalization 245, 247–64,
272–3, 307–8
glocalization 273
Gogal, Nikolay 290
Goldman Sachs 313
Goncharov, Ivan 290
good-enough care 274–5
Gorbachev, Mikhail 282, 295
Gordon, Ralph 108
Gorky, Maxim 279, 280
GOSPLAN 291, 294
Goya, Francisco 235
grandeur, delusions of 143, 177
grandiosity 28, 175
Greenacre, Phyllis 83–4
Gresham’s Law of Creativity 236
primitive, formation 176–7
regressive behavior 139–42
group identifi cation 208
group mind 86–7
group therapy 77
groupthink 187
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