guided imagery 77
Guinness 271
hardiness 256
Hasek, Jaroslov: Good Soldier Svejk,
The 118 –19
helplessness, sense of 33, 34, 127, 140
Hephaiston 204
heterogeneity 36
Himmler, Heinrich 167
historical truth 19
Hitler, Adolf 45, 86–8, 128, 132,
146, 151, 153, 155, 176, 185
Hitlerjugend 154
Hollinger International 132
Homer 200
homo economicus xv
homo politicus 135
hostility 36–7
Howell, Ted 141–2
hubris 112–23, 204
Hughes, Howard 132
human resource management 298–9
humor, benefi ts of 115–16
Hussein, Saddam 45, 128, 146,
156, 165, 176, 182
Huxley, Aldous: Doors of Perception,
The 230
hyperactivity 34
hypnosis 77
hypomania 43–61
case study 46–50
coping strategies 59–60
elation 50–3
interventions 56–8
management 53–5
plus side for organizations 60–1
self-help measures 58–9
warning signs 55–6
in workplace 55–6
IBM 250, 252, 253
ideal-hungry followers 189
idealization 45, 46
idealizing transference 138, 140, 187
identifi cation with the aggressor 139,
identity crisis 90
identity, sense of 19
ideology 153–5
illumination phase 231
illusion 139
imaginativeness 39
Imes, Suzanne 100, 101
impostors 3–4
in business world 81–2
causes 82–5
character sketch 89–97
creative artist 85–6
as entrepreneur 92–5
in literature 80–1
kinds of 82
as national leader 86–9
neurotic 98–111
impostor syndrome 79–97
imposturous feelings, creation
of 99–103
impulsivity 33–4
incubation phase 231
individualism 6, 268
Industrivärden 95
inferiority, feelings of 34
innovation 8, 207–8
insecurity 18
insomnia 21
integrator role 214
internal competition 270–1
internal locus of control 10, 300
internal–external scale 10, 42
internalization 45
case study 248–9
International Criminal Court
(ICC) 165–6
International Criminal
Tr ibunal 164
International Diabetes
Federation 313
introspection 233, 289
intrusive guidance 285
irritation 53
Ivan the Terrible 146, 176, 293
Jefferson, Thomas 128
Jesuits 257