(Chris Devlin) #1


mistrust 309
mnemonic mode 91
Mobutu, Joseph Désiré 159
model excellence 207
Monnet, Jean 265
mood disorders, creativity
and 229
morosophe 4, 115, 118
motivational need systems 309–13
Mugabe, Robert 45, 128, 132, 146,
149, 159, 176
Munch, Edvard 234–5
Münchausen, Baron 82
Münchausen syndrome 82
Mussolini, Benito 45
mutual identifi cation 178
myth-making 135–6
mythological heroes 10, 14, 33

Nandi 168
narcissism 90, 127, 171, 191, 209
narcissistic development 259–60
narrative 19
national culture 245
nature–nurture controversy 232
Nazi Germany 155,157
Nero 146
Nestlé 266
neurotic impostor 4, 98–111
CEO a s 111
fear 105–8
fi nding solutions 109–11
impact on businesses 108–9
in the workplace 103–5
neurotic overachievers 98
Nicholas I 292
nightmares 21
Nokia 313
not-invented-here culture 240, 245
Novo Nordisk 313
Novorex 47, 50
Nuremberg International Military
Tr ibunal 163
obfuscation 91
Oblomovism 290–1
Oedipal concerns 27–30, 84, 90, 102

Oedipal memory 24
Oedipus complex 42
Olympias, Princess of Epirus 199
on-the-job training 260
open-mindedness 256
Oprichnina 293
optimal distinctiveness 272
Oracle 15
leaders’ behavior in,, management
of 143–4
leaders, effects on 212
signifi cance of 35
organizational fool 4–5, 112–23
as cultural hero 114–15
value of 123
organizational governance 209–10
organizational inertia 144
organizational networks 255
orgasm, fake 102
Orwell, Lynn 108–9
out-of-awareness behaviour xxi

pairing 140
paranoia 138, 143, 144, 161, 171, 175,
178, 191, 205, 239
paranoid grandiosity 175
paranoid Weltanschauung 175 – 6
Parmenion 207
parochialism 240
participative leadership 240
passivity 33
Pasteur, Louis 231
Patagonia 313
patriarchal leadership 244
pattern recognition 255–6
Patton, General George S. 211, 222
perceived kindness 174–5
perestroika 293, 299
perfectionism 105, 110
performance orientation 268
Perrier 266, 274
persecution 177
persecutory paranoia 175
persecutory transference 138–9
Peter the Great 292, 301
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