(Chris Devlin) #1


nomenklatura 284
Oblomovism 290–1
paranoia, Tsars and 292–3
performance and accountability 299
process of unlearning 297
Russian Russians 296
schooling and moral
upbringing 285–7
successors 302–3
suffering and violence 280–1
swaddling in infancy 284–5
tenacity 301
Russian doll school of
management 297
Russian Orthodox Church 293
Rwandan genocide 164

sad ism 171, 174 –5
sadomasochism 29
sage–fool 118–19, 120, 123
Saltykov, Mikhail 290
Saul, King 132
scapegoating 16–17, 139, 157–8
Schiele, Egon 234, 235
Schlumberger 248–9
Schuman, Robert 265
Schumpeter, Josef 11
Scott, Clifford xx
Security Council 164
seductiveness 7
self-blame 106
self-confi dence 256
self-contempt 173
self-deception 183–6
self-defeating behavior 28–9
self-deprecation 106
self-doubt 289
self-effi cac y 104, 111, 30 0
self-employment 9
self-esteem 18, 28, 31, 45, 52, 127,
self-fl agellation 110
self-symbols 136
self-torment 289
self-worth, lack of 127
Senzangakhona 168
separation–individuation 30, 90, 99

September 11th, 2001 165
Shaka Zulu, King 128, 129, 146,
167–92, 195, 315
legacy 190–1
life and death 168–71
Shakespeare, William
As You Like It 115
Henry V 212
King Lear 115
share ownership 220
Shaw, George Bernard 123
Shell 250, 252
Siemens 225, 271
Sifneos, Peter 63
Silicon Valley 10
Simon, Sir David 312
single model of European
leadership 271–2
Skinner, Wickham xviii
Sloan, Alfred 214
sociological approaches 9
sociopaths 172
Solan Corporation 131
solidarity, illusion of 156–7
Sony 252
Sophia Antipolis 10
Soviet Union totalitarian regime 154
Speer, Albert 88–9
splitting 15–16, 22, 25, 293
Stalin, Joseph 45, 146, 149, 151, 155,
176, 182, 185, 265, 280, 288, 291,
292, 293
state within the state 155–6
Stewart, John 311
Stoddard, John 110
storming 294
strategic innovation 198, 207–8
submission 33
substance abuse 49–50, 53
success, fear of 110
succession 37–9
succession planning 198, 209
suicidal risk 57
suicidality 53
superego 28
support of followers 208
Svenska Handelbanken 95
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