swaddling of infants 284–5
Swiss Bank Corp 266
sycophancy 102
synectics 230
talent management 208–9, 238–9
Taliban 165
Ta merlane 146, 176
Tapie, Bernard 121
task interdependency 238
teamwork 260–2
technocratic leadership 244
teddy bear factor 195, 311
‘Teddy, The Great’ 84–5
tension 11
terror 150
thematic analysis 2
thought-control 179–80
three ‘B’s of creativity 231
time-warped proletariat 270
tolerance of uncertainty 268
totalitarianism 147–8, 156, 158–9
training and development 198,
208–9, 260–2
transfer 260–2
transference 45, 46, 137
idealizing 138, 140, 187
mirror 138, 140
persecutory 138–9
transformer role 213–14
transitional object 30
transitional space 232, 275, 276
Trautberg, Leonid 279, 280
travel 260–2
Treat y of Rome 265
tricksters 114
trust 239
building 303
culture of 194–5
mutual 40, 41
tyranny 128
economic costs 158–9
means used by tyrants 153–8
motivation 150
operation 150–1
scene setting 149–50
see also despotism; power
Unilever 252
United Nations 164
upbringing 258–60
see also childhood experience
Vaillant, George 116
Van Gogh, Vincent 235
verifi cation process 231
vindictive gratifi cation 172–3
Virgin 211–13, 215–22, 237, 239
Virgin Atlantic 225, 237
vision 198, 206, 223–4
Vlad the Impaler 146
Vol k swa gen 271
Volt a i re 62
Volvo 94, 95
war crimes 163
Warburg 266–7
Watk ins, Sha ron 120
Weber, Max 9, 44, 45
Welch, Jack 195 – 6, 211–26
Weltanschauung 246, 257, 285, 293
paranoid 175–6
West i ng house 225
whistle-blowing 119–20
willpower 228
Winnicott, Donald 150, 232, 275
wise fool see morosophe
women, imposturous feelings
of 100–2
Wordsworth, William 86
work/life balance 105
workaholism 106, 110
working effectively with
entrepreneurs 39–42
worthlessness, sense of 30
xenophobia 267
Xerxes, King 201, 206
Yeltsin, Boris 282
Yo u n g , A l e x 47– 8
Zaleznik, Abraham xvi, xvii, xviii, xx
Zuni Indian tribal clowns 114
Zwide, King 169