(Chris Devlin) #1



The best way to become boring is to say everything.
— Volt a i re


In Chapter 2 , I focused on leaders whose symptomatology is centered
on their highs — individuals who can be extremely charismatic but are
sometimes problematic to work with. There is another type of leader
who presents a completely different picture: for them it is the lack of
feeling rather than the excess of it that gives rise to diffi culties. It is this
type that I will be considering in this chapter. These people are unable
to relate in depth to others, evidencing instead an emotional detachment.
This detachment extends beyond relationships to every area of life. Feel-
ings of zest, enthusiasm, and passion are non - existent; emotions are
fl attened; there is very little, if any, pleasure. In the absence of emotion,
such people live in a world permeated by formalities and ritual. When
this detachment appears in the workplace — especially in those holding
senior executive positions — it affects other colleagues ’ morale, spontane-
ity, and productivity.

The ‘dead fi sh’ syndrome

In psychiatry the word alexithymic is applied to people who have a ‘ dead
fi sh ’ quality — individuals who either struggle, or are unable, to under-
stand their emotions or moods, who are incapable of perceiving the

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