alexithymia as a kind of communication disorder (Nemiah and Sifneos,
1970 ; Nemiah, 1977, 1978 ).
Henry Krystal, another psychiatrist working independently with
patients suffering from severe posttraumatic states, was coming to the
same conclusion. He noticed that alexithymic individuals ‘ are unable to
distinguish between one emotion and another ’ ( 1979 , p. 17), but ‘ like
the color - blind person, they have become aware of their defi ciency and
have learned to pick up clues by which they infer what they cannot
discern ’ ( 1979 , p. 18).
Krystal observed that emotionally color - blind people are super -
adjusted to reality and can function successfully at work. However, he
also noted that once one gets ‘ past the superfi cial impression of superb
functioning, one discovers a sterility and monotony of ideas and severe
impoverishment of their imagination ’ ( 1979 , p. 19).
Krystal noted an impaired capacity for empathy among alexithym-
ics, who characteristically treat others with cool detachment and indif-
ference. There is an absence of the human quality in the relationships
they form; love objects are frequently interchanged. Krystal ’ s observa-
tions were supported by others, who reported being left with feelings
of fullness , boredom, and frustration when dealing with alexithymic
individuals (Taylor, 1977 ).
Preoccupied with the concrete and objective, alexithymics also have
no use for metaphors, allusions, and hidden meanings; such verbal tools
are a foreign language to them.
Alexithymics remain unperturbed by the ups and downs of daily
life — even by events that others would fi nd emotionally shattering. A
death in the family, a partner ’ s infi delity, a friends ’ betrayal, being passed
over for a promotion — nothing seems to ruffl e them. All experiences
slide into a black hole of inexpressiveness and blankness.
Alexithymia as a communication disorder
The following interview between an executive and an organizational
coach illustrates what it can be like dealing with an alexithymic.
Consultant : Can you say something about the kind of work you do?
Executive : I ’ m in charge of the planning department — have been since
September three years ago. I joined the company two and
a half years before that. Before signing on here I worked