fi ve years for a large department store chain. I ’ ve always
done similar work. In my role as planning director, I ask
for input from the people responsible in other areas. It
means a lot of e - mail. I compile the data I receive from
those people into an integrated plan. I remind the heads of
the various departments and regions of a number of specifi c
deadlines that we have to meet. For example, there ’ s the
September date. You can see that on the fl ow chart [point-
ing]. Another date important for the planning cycle is in
October. See how the numbers relate to each other? Some
consolidation of input takes place in November. Of course,
the whole planning process starts much earlier. I remind
people by e - mail way back in March and then June that
they have to come up with some provisional information
by certain dates.
Consultant : Do you fi nd that people take an active interest in the plan?
They fi nd it useful?
Executive : I don ’ t know. But every company needs plans.
Consultant : Do you like the kind of work you do?
Executive : We need a plan, as I said. Without a plan many processes
in this organization would come to a halt.
Consultant : Does your work involve a lot of personal interchanges with
Executive : It could, but I try to minimize such interactions. I ’ m inter-
ested only in facts. I fi nd that e - mail and the occasional
memo serve me well; they get the job done with no waste
of time.
Consultant : Are there certain things in the organization that irritate
you, make you less effective?
Executive : Not really. With the plan things work fi ne.
Consultant : Can you say something more about yourself?
Executive : What else would you like to hear?
Consultant : I heard that you weren ’ t considered for promotion to the
board. Instead, a person who used to work for you got
promoted. How did you feel about that? Were you very
Executive : I don ’ t understand your question.
Consultant : Did you feel hurt? Were you upset that someone else got
Executive : Not that I remember. Life in organizations is like that. It
has its ups and downs.