and infl exible. There is a leadership vacuum, a lack of motivation and
initiative, and an attitude of passivity and negativity. Many state - owned
companies fall into this category, although they can often continue to
operate in this way for considerable lengths of time because of govern-
ment protection.
Both of these types of organization provide ideal camoufl age for
people with an alexithymic disposition because the expression of affect
or emotion is not often readily permitted.
The Alexithymic CEO
It is possible to identify several different types of top executive who
demonstrate alexithymic tendencies.
The Detached CEO
Occasionally top executives experience great diffi culty in dealing with
emotions. To protect themselves from emotional involvement, these
people develop a detached leadership style. Their emotional isolation,
however, can have serious organizational repercussions. In one organiza-
tion, the CEO was described as ‘ the Yeti, living at great heights and
occasionally sighted in cold places. ’ This man was very much a loner,
quite uncomfortable with other people, and appeared awkward, stiff,
and humorless. This personal style would have mattered little if it had
affected only himself, but unfortunately he was running a large organi-
zation. His detachment from the day - to - day functioning of the company
had serious implications for corporate culture and the policy - making
process. As his key executives were unsure what was expected of them,
they withdrew into their own territories and began to create personal
empires. The consequences were lack of co - operation, sub - optimization,
escalation of internal confl ict, and an inconsistent strategy — factors that
seriously affected the organization ’ s bottom line.
The Systems Person
For many people with communication diffi culties associated with an
alexithymic disposition, the technology revolution has been a tremen-
dous facilitator. The internet has given many of these people a way of
disguising their problems in communicating. Problems the individual
might have in relating to others are disguised by his or her successful