Searching for solutions
The fact that some executives possess or are susceptible to the alex-
ithymic disposition, whether primary or secondary, does not mean that
the situation is unchangeable. However, breaking the vicious circle of
emotionlessness is not easy, and, unfortunately, there is no quick remedy
for the situation. If change is desired, if there is a wish to enliven organi-
zational life, a sustained effort is necessary.
From an institutional perspective, the organization can make struc-
tural arrangements that encourage experimentation and participation. In
order to foster such behavior, there is also a need for imaginative hiring,
training, and development practices, which will, in turn, avoid the crea-
tion of organizations populated by clones. Enough fl exibility should be
built into organizational systems and culture to allow for continuous
adaptations and developments. Organizations should do what they can
to avoid alexithymic characteristics becoming part of their culture.
Coping Strategies
So how do we deal with alexithymics in the workplace? The answer
depends on whether we are dealing with primary alexithymia (where
- Does the person use action to express emotion?
- Does the person appear confused about the emotions he or she
feels? - Does the person describe the circumstances rather than the feel-
ings surrounding an event? - Is the person preoccupied with physical problems?
- Does the person suffer from an absence of fantasy and
imagination? - Do dreams and daydreams play a negligible role in the person ’ s
life? - Does the person prefer movies with action over psychological
dramas? - Is the person ’ s thought content associated more with external
events than with fantasy or emotion? - Does the person fi nd life pretty boring most of the time, rarely
exhibiting excitement? - When talking with such a person, do you yourself become bored
and frustrated, eager to get away from him or her?