
(Chris Devlin) #1

Collisions in Two Dimensions

When two bodies collide, the impulse between them determines the directions in
which they then travel. In particular, when the collision is not head-on, the bodies
do not end up traveling along their initial axis. For such two-dimensional
collisions in a closed, isolated system, the total linear momentum must still be

. (9-77)

If the collision is also elastic (a special case), then the total kinetic energy is also
K 1 iK 2 iK 1 fK 2 f. (9-78)

Equation 9-77 is often more useful for analyzing a two-dimensional collision
if we write it in terms of components on an xycoordinate system. For example,
Fig. 9-21 shows a glancing collision(it is not head-on) between a projectile body and a
target body initially at rest. The impulses between the bodies have sent the bodies off
at angles u 1 andu 2 to the xaxis, along which the projectile initially traveled. In this situ-


1 iP

2 iP

1 fP

2 f


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which leads to

Finally, applying Eq. 9-67 to the first collision with this result
and the given v 1 i, we write


3 m^2 m^2
3 m^2 m^2

(10 m/s)5.0 m/s.

v 1 f

m 1 m 2
m 1 m 2

v 1 i,

m 1 ^13 m 2 ^13 (6.0 kg)2.0 kg.

Next, let’s reconsider the first collision, but we have to
be careful with the notation for block 2: its velocity v 2 fjust
after the first collision is the same as its velocity v 2 i(5.0 m/s)
just before the second collision. Applying Eq. 9-68 to the
first collision and using the given v 1 i10 m/s, we have

5.0 m/s

2 m 1
m 1 m 2

(10 m/s),

v 2 f

2 m 1
m 1 m 2

v 1 i,


After reading this module, you should be able to...

9.34For an isolated system in which a two-dimensional colli-
sion occurs, apply the conservation of momentum along
each axis of a coordinate system to relate the momentum
components along an axis before the collision to the momen-
tum components along the same axisafter the collision.

9.35For an isolated system in which a two-dimensional elastic
collision occurs, (a) apply the conservation of momentum
along each axis of a coordinate system to relate the momen-
tum components along an axis before the collision to the
momentum components along the same axisafter the colli-
sion and (b) apply the conservation of total kinetic energy to
relate the kinetic energies before and after the collision.

●If two bodies collide and their motion is not along a single axis
(the collision is not head-on), the collision is two-dimensional.
If the two-body system is closed and isolated, the law of con-
servation of momentum applies to the collision and can be
written as


1 iP

2 iP

1 fP

2 f

In component form, the law gives two equations that de-
scribe the collision (one equation for each of the two dimen-
sions). If the collision is also elastic (a special case), the
conservation of kinetic energy during the collision gives a
third equation:
K 1 iK 2 iK 1 fK 2 f.

Learning Objectives

Key Idea

Figure 9-21An elastic collision between two
bodies in which the collision is not head-
on. The body with mass m 2 (the target) is
initially at rest.



θ 2

v 1 i θ 1

v 2 f

v 1 f

m 1

m 2

A glancing collision
that conserves
both momentum and
kinetic energy.
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