
(Chris Devlin) #1

t3.0 s to t6.0 s. Sketch the disk and indicate the direc-
tion of turning and the sign of vatt2.0 s, 4.0 s, and tmin.


From Eq. 10-6, the angular velocity vis equal to du/dtas
given in Eq. 10-10. So, we have
v0.6000.500t. (10-11)
The graph of this function v(t) is shown in Fig. 10-5c.
Because the function is linear, the plot is a straight line. The
slope is 0.500 rad/s^2 and the intercept with the vertical axis
(not shown) is0.600 rad/s.

Calculations: To sketch the disk at t2.0 s, we substitute
that value into Eq. 10-11, obtaining
v1.6 rad/s. (Answer)
The minus sign here tells us that at t2.0 s, the disk is
turning clockwise (as indicated by the left-hand sketch in
Fig. 10-5c).
Substitutingt4.0 s into Eq. 10-11 gives us
v1.4 rad/s. (Answer)
The implied plus sign tells us that now the disk is turning
counterclockwise (the right-hand sketch in Fig. 10-5c).
For tmin, we already know that du/dt0. So, we must
also have v0. That is, the disk momentarily stops when
the reference line reaches the minimum value of uin
Fig. 10-5b, as suggested by the center sketch in Fig. 10-5c.On
the graph of v versustin Fig. 10-5c, this momentary stop is
the zero point where the plot changes from the negative
clockwise motion to the positive counterclockwise motion.
(d) Use the results in parts (a) through (c) to describe the
motion of the disk from t3.0 s to t6.0 s.

Description: When we first observe the disk at t3.0 s, it
has a positive angular position and is turning clockwise but
slowing. It stops at angular position u1.36 rad and then
begins to turn counterclockwise, with its angular position
eventually becoming positive again.


To find the extreme value (here the minimum) of a function,
we take the first derivative of the function and set the result
to zero.

Calculations: The first derivative of u(t) is


Setting this to zero and solving for tgive us the time at
whichu(t) is minimum:

tmin1.20 s. (Answer)

To get the minimum value of u, we next substitute tmininto
Eq. 10-9, finding

u1.36 rad77.9. (Answer)

This minimumofu(t) (the bottom of the curve in Fig. 10-5b)
corresponds to the maximum clockwiserotation of the disk
from the zero angular position, somewhat more than is
shown in sketch 3.

(c) Graph the angular velocity vof the disk versus time from






–2 0 2 4 6



negativeω zeroω positiveω

This is a plot of the angular
velocity of the disk versus time.

The angular velocity is
initially negative and slowing,
then momentarily zero during
reversal, and then positive and

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