
(Chris Devlin) #1

and thus must each be zero. Because x^2 y^2 is equal to R^2 , where Ris the dis-
tance from Otodm, the first integral is simply Icom, the rotational inertia of the
body about an axis through its center of mass. Inspection of Fig. 10-12 shows that
the last term in Eq. 10-37 is Mh^2 , where Mis the body’s total mass. Thus,
Eq. 10-37 reduces to Eq. 10-36, which is the relation that we set out to prove.

Checkpoint 5
The figure shows a book-like object (one side is
longer than the other) and four choices of rotation
axes, all perpendicular to the face of the object.
Rank the choices according to the rotational inertia
of the object about the axis, greatest first.

( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )

left and Lfor the particle on the right. Now Eq. 10-33
gives us
Im(0)^2 mL^2 mL^2. (Answer)
Second technique:Because we already know Icomabout an
axis through the center of mass and because the axis here is
parallel to that “com axis,” we can apply the parallel-axis
theorem (Eq. 10-36). We find

mL^2. (Answer)

IIcomMh^2 ^12 mL^2 (2m)(^12 L)^2

Sample Problem 10.06 Rotational inertia of a two-particle system

Figure 10-13ashows a rigid body consisting of two particles of
massmconnected by a rod of length Land negligible mass.

(a) What is the rotational inertia Icomabout an axis through the
center of mass, perpendicular to the rod as shown?


Because we have only two particles with mass, we can find
the body’s rotational inertia Icomby using Eq. 10-33 rather
than by integration. That is, we find the rotational inertia of
each particle and then just add the results.

Calculations:For the two particles, each at perpendicular
distance from the rotation axis, we have


(b) What is the rotational inertia Iof the body about an axis
through the left end of the rod and parallel to the first axis
(Fig. 10-13b)?


This situation is simple enough that we can find Iusing
either of two techniques. The first is similar to the one used
in part (a). The other, more powerful one is to apply the
parallel-axis theorem.

First technique:We calculate Ias in part (a), except here
the perpendicular distance riis zero for the particle on the

^12 mL^2.

Imiri^2 (m)(^12 L)^2 (m)(^12 L)^2

2 L

Additional examples, video, and practice available at WileyPLUS

m m




Rotation axis
center of mass

m m




Rotation axis through
end of rod

__ 12 1 __ 2

Here the rotation axis is through the com.

Here it has been shifted from the com
without changing the orientation. We
can use the parallel-axis theorem.

Figure 10-13A rigid body consisting of two particles of mass m
joined by a rod of negligible mass.
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