92 Fractures and hemispherical projection
This array is not
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\\-* ” but to illustrate’
principles of all
The numbers
number of sides of
example polygons
Figure 73 Array of lines illustrating two geometrical principles: there is a relatively large
number of triangular areas compared to the number of other polygons, and there are
more shorter lengths of intact rock intersected by the scanline than longer lengths.
Although the fracture * patterns can appear daunting (as in Fig. 7.2b),
they exist because of definite mechanical and hydraulic principles: it
is this fact that enables structural geologists to interpret their origin.
Also, we have the necessary tools for engineering characterization, i.e.
measurement equipment on site, understanding of the geometrical and
mechanical features, and associated graphical and computer techniques.
Thus, given a fracture array, such as one of those in Fig. 7.2, the
geotechnical engineer wishing to know the frequency and orientation
of the fractures, the mechanical properties of typical fractures and the
mechanical and hydrogeological properties of the whole-rock mass does
have the necessary tools available.
It is helpful to understand aspects of the basic geometry associated
with the rock fracture arrays. Assume that on a sheet of paper 20 straight
lines have been drawn, each at a random orientation, right across the
page (see Fig. 7.3), representing rock fractures. Then assume that a
straight line is drawn at any orientation through the array (the dashed
line in Fig. 7.3), representing a sampling scanline on a fractured rock
exposure or a borehole through a fractured rock mass. We can consider
first all the areas formed by the fracture lines: these are equivalent to
cross-sections through the rock blocks formed by the fractures. Some
areas will be triangles, some quadrilaterals, some five-sided figures, and
so on. It is possible to find the mean number of sides that all the areas
have, both for a specific array and theoretically for all such arrays.
The number of sides of all the closed polygons in the fracture diagram
in Fig. 7.3 was counted and a histogram (Fig. 7.4) prepared.
’ Note. The terms ’fracture’ and ’discontinuity’ are both used to denote the preexisting
bedding planes, faults, shears, joints and fissures in a rock mass. We use the term
’fracture’ without any structural geology or engineering genetic connotations, to indicate
a discontinuity in the mechanical rock continuum. A fracture has little or no tensile
strength. If we are discussing an engineering-induced fracture, rather than a natural
fracture, this will be made clear.