1 08 Fractures and hemisphericul projection
The frequency is then 10.115 m-l, and the reciprocal of this is the mean
length of the recovered pieces (because X = l/A), i.e. 0.10 m.
For a horizontal tunnel heading north
Set A Angle between set normal AI cos 6 I
1 7.72 68 2.892
2 3.07 48 2.054
3 5.34 80 0.927
Sum 5.873
and required direction
The frequency is then 5.873 m-l, and the mean length of the recovered
pieces is 0.17 m.
For a borehole trending 280/35
Set A Angle between set normal AI cos 6 I
and required direction
1 7.72 47 5.265
2 3.07 92 0.107
3 5.34 20 5.01 8
SUm 10.390
The frequency is then 10.390 m-l, and the mean length of the recovered
pieces is 0.10 m (coincidentally similar to the vertical borehole value).
The engineering ramifications of the results are that, firstly, the fracture
frequency in different directions through a rock mass can be sigruficantly
different. Secondly, this variation can be calculated if the set orientations
and frequencies are known. Thirdly, measurements of fracture frequency
in a vertical borehole will probably not correctly predict the fracture
frequency in a horizontal tunnel (although the difference will depend on
the properties of the fracture sets present).
(b) In order to use the equation for the threshold value that maximizes
the RQD range, we need to know the maximum and minimum values
of fracture frequency in the rock mass for the directions considered. On
the basis of the results obtained earlier, we can say A- = 10.39 m-l and
Ami,, = 5.87 m-l, from which we find
2 2 10.39
In (2) = 10.39 - 5.87 In (=) = 0'25
t* =
hmax - Amin
We can now construct a table of frequency values and corresponding
RQD values, using the relation RQD = 100(ht + l)e-". The results are as
Frequency, rn-l RQD, % (t = 0.1)
5.87 88.2 56.9
10.39 72.1 26.8
Range 16.1 30.1
RQD, o/o (t = 0.25)