Questions and answers: rock musses 137
Weathered granite: dashed Intact granite: solid lines lines 8.00
t t
---._ ----..
-- friction angle
___---- --
___--- ______------
_---- ___ -- - - - - 1.00
0 -r*- I 0.00
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Normal stress. MPa
4.00 E
3.00 5
- m
2.00 =
48.10 To study the influence of fracture persistence, consider a rock
mass containing two fracture sets, A and 6, mutually inclined at
clay infilling, while fracture set B is rough, clean and intermittent
with a 'two-dimensional proportional extent of fracturing' of 0.5. A
Plot the expected peak strength of this rock mass as a function of 07
the orientation of the principal stresses to the fracture directions,
for a minor principal stress of 5 MPa and given the following peak
45O, as shown to the right. Fracture set A is continuous and contains B
strength characteristics: to,
Intact rock: u1 = 75 + 5.29~3
Fracture set A: c = 100 kPa, 9 = 209
Fracture set B: c = 0, Q = 35'
A8.10 The key to answering this question is replacing the shear strength
of fracture set B with an effective shear strength that is a weighted
average of the intact rock and joint parameters
= [XCB + (1 - X) ci] + 0" [X taneB + (1 - XI tanei]
where x is a fracture : intact rock proportionality constant. In this case,
we have x = 0.5.
We require the shear strength parameters of the intact rock in B--t
space. The strength criterion has been given in principal stress space in
the question, but is easily converted using the equation
01 = (2ccos#)/(l - sine) + (I + sin#)/(l - sin#)a3.
Comparing this relation with the given strength criterion, we see that
5.29 = (1 + sin#i)/(l - sin&) + sin#i = 4.2916.29 +- +i = 43" and hence
2ci cos 43
1 - sin43
75 (1 - sin43)
2 cos 43
75 = 3 ci = = 16.3MPa
To find the strength parameters for the intermittent fracture set, we
combine the values obtained for ci and #+ together with the given values