44 In situ rock stress
Shear stress, -7
I. , I , I , , , ,
5.0 10.0 15.0
oX,rs= 14.52, -1.17
%7s = 20.48, -1.17 Norma' " tress, B
14.52 -1.17
-1.17 20.48
The stresses transformed to the xy axes are
Adding the two xy stress states gives
21.83 -1.83 14.52 -1.17 36.35 -3.00
[ -1.83 8.171 + [ -1.17 20.481 = [ -3.00 28.651
Plotting the Mohr circle for the combined stress state and reading
off the principal stresses and the principal directions gives the required
Shear stress, -7
The principal stresses of the resultant stress state are 01 = 37.38 MPa
and 02 = 27.62 MPa, with 01 being rotated 18.9" clockwise from the
44.3 How many experimental set-ups are required to determine
the 3-0 state of stress in a rock mass, using each of the stand-
ard stress measurement methods of flatlack, hydraulic fracturing,
USBM gauge and CSlRO gauge? (Assume that the stress field is
constant in the vicinity of the test site.)
These stress measurement methods are described in Section 4.3 of EM 1.