64 Strain und the theory of elasticity
We invert these equations to find the strains sx, sy and yxy as
cos2 OP sin2 OP sin ~p cos OP
cos2 OR sin2 sin OR COS OR
Inverting the matrix of trigonometrical functions used to be difficult,
and is the reason why strain gauge rosettes of specific geometry (e.g.
rectangular and delta rosettes) were developed: the inverse of the matrix
for these special geometries has a particularly simple form. However, it
is now easier to perform the inversion of a general matrix on modern
spreadsheets and scientific calculators, and so this constraint on rosette
geometry is diminishing.
The solution to the problem is found using the matrix equation given
above. In this case we have Op = 20°, Op = 80" and OR = 140°, and so the
matrix equation is as follows:
0.883 0.117 0.321
0.884 -0.293 0.449
0.857 0.456 -1.313
43.0 x lop6
7.8 x low6
17.0 x
43.6 x 41.6 x
[ 7.9 x lo-.] = [ 3.6 x lo-.].
17.0 x 18.1 x 10-6
The principal strains and their orientations are then computed from sx, sy,
and yxy. In this case we find e1 = 43.7 x with the
angle between the x-direction and the major principal strain being 12.7".
To compute the stress state from the strain state we use the stress-
strain relations for an isotropic material, i.e.
and s2 = 1.52 x
[::I;$" -v 1 : I.[:]
YXY 0 2(1+ v) txy
which when inverted gives
From these we find that ax = 7.04 MPa, ay = 2.65 MPa and txy =
1.04 MPa. Computing the principal stresses and their orientations from
these values gives c1 = 7.28 MPa and a2 = 2.41 MPa, with the angle
between the x-direction and the major principal stress being 12.7".
Notice that because this is an isotropic material, the orientations of the
principal stresses and the principal strains are identical. Note also that
we can perform the complement of this calculation, i.e. determine the