76 lnfad rock: deformabilify, strengfh and failure
be drawn from it. Derive an expression for the uniaxial compressive
strength of rock in terms of the cohesion and angle of internal
A6.3 The part of the Mohr envelope in which we are interested is shown
I 1 Normal stress
Compressive strength OC
If we study the geometry of the left-hand half of the Mohr circle and
the failure envelope, we find the following:
(90+ @)I2
c;-4 Jfailure envelope to
The geometry of the lower right-angled triangle then gives us
tan (45 - (4/2)) = c/(ac/2) which, upon expanding and rearranging,
results in a, = 2c/ tan (45 - (4/2)). This relation can be expanded and
rearranged in a number of ways. For example, the friction angle in
terms of the cohesion and uniaxial strength is also given by
tan (4/2) = (ac - 2c)/(ac + 2c).
This shows how we can use typical laboratory test results to confirm
the applicability of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, or compute unknown
values from known values.
46.4 The linear Mohr-Coulomb envelope with a tensile cut-off sets
a definite limit on the maximal uniaxial tensile strength of a ma-
terial. By considering the largest uniaxial tensile Mohr circle that
can be drawn, determine this tensile strength limit in terms of 0;
and 4.
A6.4 The geometry of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, together with the
Mohr circles representing the uniaxial compressive and the uniaxial
tensile strengths, are shown below.