ECM_SCORE A raw score that represents the aggregate news sentiment for the given
company over the given time period according to the ECM classifier,
which specializes in short commentary and editorials on global equity
markets. This sentiment score is based on RavenPack’s Expert
Consensus Methodology.
RCM_SCORE A raw score that represents the aggregate news sentiment for the given
company over the given time period according to the RCM classifier,
which specializes in corporate action announcements. This sentiment
score is based on RavenPack’s Expert Consensus Methodology.
VCM_SCORE A raw score that represents the aggregate news sentiment for the given
company over the given time period according to the VCM classifier,
which specializes in news stories about mergers, acquisitions, and
takeovers. This sentiment score is based on RavenPack’s Expert
Consensus Methodology.
AGG_SCORE An overall interpreted sentiment score based on weightings of
VCM_SCORE. This identifies the overall news sentiment for the
given company over the given time period.
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