- Lexiconis a collection of hand-picked finance words which form the variables for
statistical inference within the algorithms. - Grammaris the training corpus of base messages used in determining in-sample
statistical information. This information is then applied for use on out-of-sample
The lexicon and grammar jointly determine the context of the sentiment. Each of the
classifiers relies on a different approach to message interpretation. They are all analytic,
hence computationally efficient.
- Naive classifier(NC) is based on a word count of positive and negative connotation
words. Each word in the lexicon is identified as being positive, negative or neutral.
A parsing algorithm negates words if the context requires it. The net word count of
all lexicon-matched words is taken. If this value is greater than one, we sign the
message as a buy. If the value is less than one the message is a sell. All others are
neutral. - Vector distance classifier Each of the Dwords in the lexicon is assigned a
dimension in vector space. The full lexicon then represents aD-dimensional unit
hypercube and every message can be described as a word vector in this space
(m2<D). Each hand-tagged message in the training corpus (grammar) is converted
into a vectorGj(grammar rule). Each (training) message is pre-classified as positive,
negative or neutral. We note that Das and Chen use the terms Buy/Positive,
Sell/Negative, and Neutral/Null interchangably. Each new message is classified
by comparison with the cluster of pre-trained vectors (grammar rules) and is
assigned the same classification as that vector with which it has the smallest angle.
This angle gives a measure of closeness. - Discriminant-based classification NC weights all words within the lexicon equally.
The discriminant-based classification method replaces this simple word count with a
weighted word count. The weights are based on a simple discriminant function
(Fisher Discriminant Statistic). This function is constructed to determine how well
a particular lexicon word discriminates between the different message categories
({Buy;Sell;Null}). The function is determined using the pre-classified messages
within the grammar. Each word in a message is assigned a signed value, based
on its sign in the lexicon multiplied by the discriminant value. Then, as for NC, a net
word count is taken. If this value is greater than0.01, we sign the message as a buy.
If the value is less than0.01 the message is a sell. All others are neutral. - Adjective–adverb phrase classifieris based on the assumption that phrases which use
adjectives and adverbs emphasize sentiment and require greater weight. This classi-
fier also uses a word count but uses only those words within phrases containing
adjectives and adverbs. A ‘‘tagger’’ extracts noun phrases with adjectives and
adverbs. A lexicon is used to determine whether these significant phrases indicate
positive or negative sentiment. The net count is again considered to determine
whether the message has negative or positive overall sentiment. - Bayesian Classifieris a multivariate application of Bayes Theorem. It uses the
probability a particular word falls within a certain classification and is hence
indifferent to the structure of language. We consider three categories
C¼ 3 ci i¼ 1 ;...;C. Denote each messagemj j¼ 1 ;...;M. The set of lexical
words isF¼fwkgDk¼ 1. The total number of lexical words isD. We can determine a
12 The Handbook of News Analytics in Finance