Adobe Lightroom For Beginners (2021)

(Maropa) #1

5 Further down the options, you can specify the layout and
guidelines on the screen as well as the aspect ratio of the
monitor or screen you want to present the slideshow on. The
Overlays option enables you to enter an Identity Plate that is
present on each slide, which can be edited to represent text, or
even a graphic.


You can specify a backdrop for the slides or choose an
image to use, along with the ability to set its opacity or
use a custom colour. Under the Titles section you’re able to
set an intro and ending screen, and as with the Identity Plate,
you can specify whether you want to use text or graphics,
such as a company logo.


To the bottom left of the Lightroom interface, just under
the Preview and Template Browser panes, you can see
a set of monitor icons. Those of you using multiple monitor
setups are able to define which screen will be used for
playback and preview and which will contain the Lightroom
interface to work on.

7 The Music section speaks for itself. Simply click the Plus
icon to choose the location of the music you want to
have playing throughout the slideshow. Beneath the Music
option you have the Playback options. Here you can detail
syncing of the music to the slideshows, any pan and zoom
features and quality of the presentation.

Finally, the Template Browser, located on the pane to
the left of the main UI, contains a number of predefined
templates for you to use in the slideshow, along with any user
created templates. Just click the arrow to the left of each to
expand the selection and mouse-over each to see the result in
the Preview window above.

8 Last in the Slideshow options pane are the Preview and
Play buttons. The Preview button will run through the
slideshow, including the music and any graphical additions and
intro panes you’ve added, within the main Lightroom interface.
Whereas Play will run through the slides in full screen, as when
you play back for real. 119


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