Adobe Lightroom For Beginners (2021)

(Maropa) #1

1 The process starts after you have imported the images
you want to work on into the Library Module. For this
example tutorial we are going to process an image of a sunrise
taken by the coast. It is underexposed but the sky has good
detail and you can bring out more in the sea and rocks too.


Click the Lens Correction tool. Then click on the Profile
button to view the options available. If you click the
Remove Chromatic Aberration button and the Enable Profile
Corrections button, it will automatically detect the lens used
and correct any distortions and colour aberrations.

4 Next you can sort out the slightly off-level horizon. Click
on the Transform tool and then click on the Auto level tool.
This will automatically detect any strong horizontal or vertical
elements and adjust the image. For this landscape, it has simply
levelled the horizon.


A useful aid to use while working is to activate the Show
Highlight Clipping and Show Shadow Clipping options in
top corners of the histogram. With these two active, you can
see whether your image is overexposed to the point highlight
details are lost to pure white, or underexposed to solid black.


Areas of the shot overexposed to solid white will show up
on your image as a red overlay. When the amount of lost
overexposed detail increases, the red area spreads in tandem to
warn you. The underexposed areas will show up as blue to warn
you that areas are now solid black and contain no detail.


When you open the Develop Module, click on the image
you want to work on in the filmstrip and view it in the main
view window. As mentioned, the example image sky is fairly well
exposed but the foreground rocks are underexposed by a fair
amount. First though, we can add lens correction. 129


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