Introducing the
Develop Module
The Develop module is where the tools that let you fully realise the
potential of your photographs lie. Tools for enhancing and improving
them, removing blemishes, noise and distortion and applying a
range of impressive effects and filters.
ike the Library module, the Develop module window is divided into three main areas, the left
sidebar, the main viewing area and the right sidebar. The filmstrip view is also available at the
bottom of the screen. The filmstrip and both sidebars can be permanently in view or set to
auto-hide by clicking on the arrow symbols on the edge of the screen.
The left sidebar holds: the Navigator thumbnail, a list of available Presets, the Snapshot
and History views and the Collections. The right-hand sidebar holds all the actual editing and
enhancement tools, as well as the Histogram.
This shows you a view of the
whole image, useful if you
zoom in when using the spot
correction tool and need to
navigate around the frame.
This list shows the preset
adjustments that can be
applied with just one click.
Lightroom comes with dozens
built-in and you can add and
edit your own user presets.
If you’re experimenting and
making adjustments to an
image as you go, you can save
a snapshot of your progress at
any point. It’s like a save point
in a video game; you can go
back to that point by clicking
on the snapshot in the list.
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BDM’s Made Easy Series | Volume 22