5 Some filters are more appropriate for different types of
shot. For example, the Infrared filter produces a surprisingly
accurate simulation of shooting monochrome images through an
infrared filter, and looks great when applied to scenes containing
a lot of foliage. The blue sky is darkened and the green leaves
become brighter.
Returning to our previous example, we move on to the
B&W Presets category. These all produce monochrome
effects, with high and low contrast effects at the top of
the list, followed by five different B&W looks. These make
variations to the Basic panel sliders and the Tone Curve to
produce various exposure and contrast effects.
The final photographic presets category is General Presets.
Here you can find a small selection of miscellaneous presets
that adjust settings in the Basic, Tone Curve and Detail panels.
Auto Tone applies the Auto setting from the Basic panel and
Zeroed zeroes all sliders, removing any previous processing
settings from the image.
7 The third B&W Presets category includes a wide range of
special monochrome processing simulations. The ever-
popular sepia toning process is found here and you can also
find selenium toning, cyanotype and creamtone, as well as two
different ‘antique’ effects and a selection of four different split-
tone processing options.
10 The Video Presets category is an oddity, since video clips
can’t be opened in the Develop module. Instead, you
can apply these presets to your video clips using the Presets
drop-down menu in the Library module’s Quick Develop panel.
There are two B&W options, two colour options and two cross-
process special effect options.
8 Moving on, we come to the Effects Presets category. As
the name suggests, these are mainly presets that use
the controls found in the Effects panel. We already looked at
the film grain effects earlier but two ‘rounded corners’ and
two vignetting options use the versatile post-crop vignetting
options also found in that panel. 87