Adobe Lightroom For Beginners (2021)

(Maropa) #1

Introducing the

Map Module

The Map Module is where you can

organise your photos based on

the location in which they were

shot. By using a combination of

satellite location data and location

tagging, it can plot your photos

on a map of the world. It’s not just

a useful way to catalogue your

photos, it’s a great way to see

where you’ve been in the world!


he Map Module is an
interesting part of
Lightroom but not
everyone will find it useful. If
your camera isn’t equipped
with satellite positioning and
you don’t regularly tag your
images with location data
then you may not need to use
it at all, and if so you can just
skip ahead to the next section.
However, you may find that it’s
worth your time to learn a bit
more about the Map Module,
because it provides another
great way to organise your
image library and find images
based on their location.

The main part of the
Map Module is, not too
surprisingly, a map. This is
based on Google Maps terrain
and satellite data, is fully
zoomable and draggable,
and shows the whole world
complete with satellite
imagery. The left sidebar holds
the Navigator thumbnail to
help you navigate around
the main map, as well as a
Saved Locations panel and
the Collections panel. The
right-hand sidebar only has
the Metadata panel showing
the key information of any
selected image.

Most mobile phone
cameras, including iPhones,
record GPS coordinates in
metadata. If your camera
doesn’t record GPS
coordinates you can add
it in the Map module or
import a track log from a
GPS device.







BDM’s Made Easy Series | Volume 22
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