Practice Questions
Que st io ns 1 –3 re fe r t o a b al l o f mass m o n a st rin g o f le n gt h R, swi ng i ng arou nd i n
circ ul ar mot i on , w it h in stan t ane ou s ve lo cit y v an d ce nt rip e tal acce l erat io n a.
- .What is the centripetal acceleration of the ball if the length of the string is doubled?
(D) 2 a
(E) 4 a
- .What is the centripetal acceleration of the ball if the instantaneous velocity of the ball is doubled?
(D) 2 a
(E) 4 a
- .What is the centripetal acceleration of the ball if its mass is doubled?
(D) 2 a
(E) 4 a
- .A bullet of mass m traveling at velocity v strikes a block of mass 2m that is attached to a rod of
length R. The bullet collides with the block at a right angle and gets stuck in the block. The rod is
free to rotate. What is the centripetal acceleration of the block after the collision?
(A)v^2 /R
(B)(1/2)v^2 /R
(C)(1/3)v^2 /R
(D)(1/4)v^2 /R
(E)(1/9)v^2 /R