An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language

(Joyce) #1


The new process is actually much more fun, and allows me to au-
tomate the whole book-making process in the future, when errata must be
processed, and new content is added. The data itself now lives on the in-
ternet, on hĴp:// as a dokuwiki documen-
tation project. Because dokuwiki stores its data as plain text files, I wrote a
set of conversion scripts to turn the dokuwiki code into LaTeX code, which
then gets run through the XeLaTeX processing engine, which results in
a full indexed, cross-referenced, ToC-ed and for all intents and purposes
publication-ready PDF file. I owe additional debt to various people on
the DokuWiki and XeTeX mailing lists for helping me out with problems
seĴing up this automation, and I’m preĴy sure that without their help, it
would have been many more weeks, if not months, before this book made
it to print.
Finally, as a special dedication, I would like to thank Cynthia Ng,
who has been my support for years now, and kept me motivated to finish
this book. Thank you for being in my life - this revision is dedicated to you.

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