An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language

(Joyce) #1

  • Emphatic negative

This is simply the sentence ending , used to indicate a custom or social
expectation of sorts, followed by the question particle in its ”Like I ...”

”Like (I) would (be expected to) know something like that!”

As mentioned in the explanation of , this is one of the rare in-
stances where you will nearly always be able to translate the construction
with an exclamation mark, due to the use of this particularly expressive.
Notice that this sentence is almost the same as:

”Like (I) would know something like that!”

The only difference is that the use of makes the statement ques-
tion the expectation, rather than the act:

”Like (I) know something like that!”

”Like (I) (should) know something like that!”

  • Reasoning

This is just the particle , used to indicate a custom or social expectation,
paired with the continuative form of the copula, , to create an implicit

”Because being guests means not causing (unnecessary) problems
(for the host), (just) sit (here) quietly ’in a grown up way’.”
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