An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language

(Joyce) #1


10 to the power -4
10 to the power -5
10 to the power -6 micro, μ, 1/1.000.000
10 to the power -7
10 to the power -8
10 to the power -9 nano, n, 1/
10 to the power -10
10 to the power -11
10 to the power -12 pico, p
10 to the power -13
10 to the power -14
10 to the power -15 femto, f
10 to the power -16
10 to the power -17
10 to the power -18 ato, a
10 to the power -19
10 to the power -20
10 to the power -21 zepto, z

The measures for Mega (M), Giga (G), Peta (P) and Exa (E) are miss-
ing from this set because of the fact that these correspond to 10 to the pow-
ers 6, 9, 15 and 18 respectively, none of which are divisible by 4.

5.2.2 General counters for articles

  • Long cylindrical items

When you want to count cylindrical objects like pencils, boĴles or arms,
is used. As a noun this word means ”book” or ”origin”, but as counter it
obviously means something completely different. The pronunciations for
this counter are:

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